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Nahant Victorian Dance Weekend August 10 to 14 2017
We’re planning a fun filled Historic dance weekend; full registration will
open soon! We’ve sold out for the last several years, a deposit today will reserve your spot at the event.
Nahant Events for 2017 will include:
- Formal Dinner Dance
- Silent Film with Jeff Rapsiss
- Belle Époque Era Viennese Ball
- Concert by Spare Parts
- Formal Afternoon Tea
- Seaside Promenade
- Costume and Dance Classes
- Museum Tour & Shopping Excursion
- Live Music by Spare Parts
There are few watering-places
in the United States more widely known than Nahant. Few strangers come to our metropolis, in the Summer season,
without paying it a visit. It is almost like going to sea to visit the extremity of the peninsula, which pushes its bold front
far out into the ocean, and breasts the Atlantic surges which dash continuously against its iron base.
from Ballou’s Pictorial, July 21, 1855
The full schedule for 2017 will be announced soon is almost complete; we will be adding a full classes schedule, check back often for updates!
P.O. Box 9, Nahant, Massachusetts 01908
phone: (781) 49-WALTZ (781-499-2589)
© 2017, Vintage Victorian, All rights reserved
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last updated 6 april 2017/csb